Smart Facilities

Smart Facilities

Facilities in enterprise, commercial or industrial consume significant amounts of energy for lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC). More often than not, these facilities don’t use any smart sensors to monitor and control how these are used, so lighting and HVAC systems are generally at their maximum brightness or power, even if no one is even there, even if there is plenty of sunlight exposure. Tightening government regulations for reducing carbon emissions or footprint makes it essential for businesses to optimize their energy consumption performance. A smart facility is a facility that addresses these issues through the use of smart sensors, actuators, integrated systems, and advanced analytics which provide visibility and insight into the spatial interaction people have with the facility, occupancy patterns and internal, environmental conditions. Its value is realized through how much energy cost savings they can provide by actively monitoring and changing the use of various interconnected systems.

Discover how IoT is transforming Facilities into Smart Facilities.

Adaptive Lighting

The traditional approaches to smart lighting were to use sensors that switch lighting on and off if it detects motion or spatial occupancy. More advanced, smarter lighting solutions introduce a second variable, how much sunlight harvesting an area is exposed to, so both variables dictate both the activation and brightness of lighting on a space by space basis.

With IoT, we advance smart lighting solutions even further by bringing real-time monitoring and analytics to the data collected from smart sensors and present consumption and spatial occupancy in a visualized map of your facility. The result is the creation of insights on how lighting is used in different areas of the facility, helping guide decisions on how to address consumption, saving you up to 70% on excessive usage.

Adaptive Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

HVAC systems are easily the biggest consumers of electricity in all sorts of facilities where they are used. In order to maintain indoor thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality, they are mostly running 24/7 even when some areas don’t have anyone occupying them. HVACs with zone specific management have been the simplest approach to providing HVAC operating efficiency, but requires continual intervention to manual switch HVAC on and off when not in use.

With IoT, we connect a grid of smart motion, air quality, temperature, and humidity sensors that continually monitor indoor zone-specific conditions, routing this information to advanced analytics which then determine and co-ordinate ideal HVAC settings for maintaining ideal, indoor thermal and air quality. A smart HVAC connected to the Insight365 platform would incorporate smart thermostats and smart vent actuators that continually route and adjust HVAC settings and airflow accordingly to changing conditions in zone temperature and spatial occupancy. The result is a HVAC system that is designed for complete efficiency.

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Assembler

RealTech System


9, Erode Road Cross Street -1,
Tamil Nadu


Suite 2803N
889 Collins St.
Docklands, 3008
Victoria, Australia