
Carbon Avoidance and Impact to Date

  • Avg Daily Water Quantity Disinfected: 4175080 L
  • Total Water Quantity Disinfected to Date: 1022894600 L
  • Daily Carbon Avoidance:
    295.6 tCO2
  • Carbon Avoidance Since Installation:
    72410.4 tCO2
  • Total Population: 160937
  • Number of Villages: 45
  • Number of Schools: 54
  • Carbon Registry: Gold Standard

How our AI-ML powered, Iot based water quality monitoring can assist your digitisation needs.

Real-time, remote and
autonomous insights into
your water resources.

Assessment and fine tuning of parameters affecting your
water bodies for proactive attention.

Online awareness, with fast
configuration, deployment
and insights.

Operational efficiency with
reduced  costs of damage control.

Online Water Quality Monitoring Using Advance Cloud Based Models Driven by AI Engines

Why Expert 365 is your first choice


Launch into a new era.

Expert 365 provides AI-ML driven IoT solutions for online detection of a suite of water quality parameters that are mandatory for routine checks. A fine example of water digitisation, equipped with powerful AI-ML technology that can create, collect, manage and present data forming critical insights, enabling water businesses to make real-time, timely, and informed decisions. This AI-ML data is built over more than 20 seasons encompassing 3 continents, 3 patents and over 4 million data sets to build credible digitisation of water.


Built on only the best.

To make any transformation into a digital business a reality, Expert 365 online water quality monitoring solutions are based on technology offerings that are industry leaders in their domain, have proven track records in creating real value for businesses via online monitoring of “hard-to-measure” water quality parameters. A proven technology, approved by the Government of India, Department of Water and Sanitation and Jal Jivan Mission.


Let’s produce outcomes.

We know every water business is different. Our IOT driven AI-ML based online water quality monitoring solutions can be tailored to your unique business needs and vision. We equip you with technology that provides competitive advantage, towards 100% awareness of your water bodies . This allows you to make informed decision on channelling resources based on the criticality of the need.



Join the IoT revolution, and become a true industry leader.

Get in touch with us for a free consultation and trial of our turnkey IoT solutions. No business is too small or too big for us, as every business has a place in the IoT revolution. All you have to do is make that first step.

Join our IoT partner program; together we make IoT possible.

Whether its becoming a channel partner to our solution offerings, extending the reach of your offerings or integrating your technologies into our solutions, you can safely put confidence in us to drive mutual growth.

    Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Assembler

    RealTech System


    9, Erode Road Cross Street -1,
    Tamil Nadu


    Suite 2803N
    889 Collins St.
    Docklands, 3008
    Victoria, Australia